Tag: Tasty Stacey

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Young lesbians cuddle up together

Young lesbians cuddle up together

I’ve seen this location several times now in the last couple of weeks but I’m not fed up, I do quite like it. It’s got a great cozy winter feel and as I write this on the first day of winter it’s fitting. Many of the locations have such hideous furnishings and decorations that it…

My Husband Would Not Be Very Happy

My Husband Would Not Be Very Happy

Tasty Stacey gets approached by the Public Agent while she is looking around at some house in the mountains. She is hoping that her husband and herself can purchased a holiday home up in the picturesque mountains. SEE THE VIDEO Public Agent, noticing that her husband was nowhere to be seen took his chance to…

Intruder handcuffed by housewife

Intruder handcuffed by housewife

I’ve had lots of thoughts about this scenario, but for here and now I’ve reduced them down to one question: Did the director come up with the scenario because the handcuffs were at the location already or did he conceive the idea first and bring the handcuffs with him? Purely from an editing point of…