Hard life eh? Not only do you get paid to have sex with some beautiful woman but now you get a massage thrown in too. Some decent fingering from around 10 mins, Alexis seems to enjoy it. A lot of women have nails so long it makes me shudder to see them slipped inside, or they prod one fingertip in and out of the lips a few times and both parties seem quite happy with that.
Likewise with Alexis eating pussy afterwards, to her credit she’s not afraid to get well stuck in, she loves it, unlike sadly way too many to mention. A few hard cuts on set towards the end, hence the dissolves.
What do you think of them? As an editor I love to keep continuity and if the girls are into it and you see them embrace and kiss passionately as they change position I always think it adds to the scene. But like I say, that could just be my bias as an editor, maybe nobody gives a fuck and you just want to skip around between positions, and transitions have no value.
Live Date:01/15/20