Tasty Stacey gets approached by the Public Agent while she is looking around at some house in the mountains. She is hoping that her husband and herself can purchased a holiday home up in the picturesque mountains.
Public Agent, noticing that her husband was nowhere to be seen took his chance to give her his story about being a lingerie modelling agent, on the lookout for fresh new faces.
Miss Stacey was very flattered to be considered for this opportunity. But she was convinced that her husband would not approve of such a proposition. Public Agent saw this as a challenge and turned the tables to make her believe that she should step out of her husbands shadow and do something or herself.
Eventually, when Public Agent offers her €400 just for a quick casting, Tasty Stacey agreed to go with him to his place and strip down to her angelic white underwear. After being showered with compliments, her confidence was at a all time high. Public Agent took this moment to whip out his big cock and offer another €400 for a blowjob.
This scene has a great storyline to it. The confliction in Tasty Stacey’s mind between becoming an independent woman or upsetting her husband comes across very well.