This new Fake Taxi scene was a really delight to edit. The storyline was good and the chemistry between Romy Indy and Dave was genuine. I thought that this is the scene that Dave makes his mark as a Fake taxi driver.
Romy gets int oDave’s taxi thinking that he is her Uber driver that she booked on her App. But Dave being Dave, he just went along with it and started driving her in his Big Black Cab.
This scene is live on 17th April 2020
During the journey, Romy explained that she was a dominatrix on her way to see a client. She explained how high powered businessmen pay her to punish them. This was all too much for Dave, he couldn’t understand why somebody would pay to be punished.
Then Romy produces a strap-on cock from her back. This blow Dave’s mind! I laughed out loud at Dave’s reaction in this. That is way I decided just to use he reaction as the main teaser for the trailer. I thought it was a pice of FakeTaxi gold in the making.
I’m really looking forward to seeing Fake taxi driver Dave in many more Big Black Cab adventures very soon.