You don’t really expect to see beautiful blonde’s like Gina Varney stood on street corners in Prague, but there she was! Our local, helpful citizens approach her to see if she needs any help, but it quickly transpires this babe wants to try out a lot of things while she’s abroad. They offer a wad full of cash, which is almost free, but also just for 5 seconds of gazing upon her tits! Being an outgoing gal, she obliges but really wants more. However, our guys must decide who’ll get their dick sucked first, a game of ‘rock, paper, scissors’ ensues and the winner gets her luscious lips wrapped around their cock!
This scene presented a few challenges, one was being next to a busy road where there were lots of visible faces and car number plates. I had to make sure the blurs were following the faces/ number plates carefully to make sure they couldn’t be seen.