This scene features a rarity in the old blue movie game; a location with relatively (let’s not go overboard) tasteful fittings and furniture.
I do get slightly more aroused if I can see there’s some nice Hunglad cupboard handles or a few Slaghaven dining chairs in the background instead of it being decorated by a Scarface fanatic whose notions of colour matching have been temporarily altered by their excessive intake of Bolivian and newfound wealth.
I almost didn’t notice George threw his rope more than once during this scene, the first one was so subtle. It wasn’t a full load though was it? Is that the secret to his trick? He’s got a vat full of fuck juice and he can just ration it out at his will?
Listen for the sound of that cum dripping on the floor after the creampie. Who cleans that up by the way? I wonder if Dick Bush has an assistant? On a big Pornywood shoot they probably have some poor intern just for that sole task, so I’ve heard. In my day you had to do that shit yourself. Perks of the job.
Live date:07/11/20