Bit of a waste of electricity here, and tea. I wonder how many cups of tea and coffee have been wasted in porn scenes because some couple get distracted and all loved up instead of drinking the tea they took the time to make. Presumably someone asked for that tea, or was offered it and confirmed that they wanted it.
I noticed the cameraman struggled a little with the auto-focus kicking in when shooting from the stairs and couldn’t quite stop the banister from sharpening up. Wasn’t like that in my day. In my day you had the Betacam and you had manual focus. You had to to zoom in as close as you could and focus up on that, or if you were shooting on film you’d have a focus puller doing a job that no longer exists.
This scene was shot with a log profile so I had to spend a while tweaking different LUTs and such to grade it nicely. Wasn’t like that in my day. You didn’t have all these fancy consumer post production suites on your phone, in my day we had Technicolor, and you’d have a lab technician present on set with his charts instructing you how to light the scene properly. Anyway, won’t bang on about technical issues too much, just one more thing I had to deal with was quite a lot of camera noise, not sure if it’s an onboard mic or what, presumably so, not sure about these, wasn’t like that in my day. In my day the camera was housed in a sizeable booth to prevent any noise leaking from it. They were silent movies back then so it didn’t matter so much. Things just seemed better then before all these newfangled changes.
Live Date:08/04/20