Something familiar about this fella, new guy, not seen him before yet I feel like I know him. “Cage” – is he a former MMA fighter maybe? I’m not a huge fan of Nathaly Cherie, presumably it’s the fake tits, but she does give a serviceable POV blowjob @12 mins.
Is it just me or is this table way too flimsy for its assigned purpose? It seems like it would be a lot happier at a village fete supporting a decent but not excessive selection of cakes and jams, or in a new home as someone idly pastes some wallpaper, not having to endure an endless cycle of rampant fuck buddies going at it for 30 minutes at a time.
This really needs to be seen to I fear, before it collapses with a tangle of naked limbs atop it. Once something like this catches your eye as an editor it really is hard to focus on anything else. I hope it gets replaced soon and this poor old-timer is put out to pasture.
Live Date:08/25/20