Teana is quite the task master eh? The other girls are less than 30 seconds late and she’s already busting their balls, not to say rushing dangerously through their warmup. Some might say she needs a good hard fuck and fortunately Alexis & Sabrisse are willing and able to provide exactly that.
This was my first edit from a new cameraperson and it’s often a bit of a worry as you chop up the footage and try to make sense of their working practice. Will it be ok? Will it be very challenging to edit into a smooth and flowing scene? There are many different ways to shoot even a basic scene so as an editor you have to be really thorough and pay attention to everything because you might put it together in a way that was not intended or you might discard some great content because the framing or camerawork didn’t look like something you are used to. You can’t be on autopilot, which to a certain extent you are when you know a cameraperson and the way they shoot like the back of your hand.
Overall, I was impressed, a good start. I look forward to seeing more of their scenes and how they improve.
Live Date:11/28/20