Zuzu certainly has the powerful thighs and butt of a gymnast, I wonder what she was in her previous life? By that I mean before porn, I don’t particularly subscribe to the notion that we were once Alexander the Great’s chief eunuch or something, I’m more of a Nixer kind of guy.
You do find yourself wondering from time to time what a Pornstar was up to before and how they fell in to the game, and the skills and attributes they’ve developed along the way that serve them. Gymnastics and flexibility seem to be useful ones.
“Sue The Bum” she’s aka. No matter how many times I read that I can’t make sense of it as a name. I mean, I get what the implication is but I still don’t like it, not as a name. I don’t struggle with it as much as some do with other phrases like “to play us out” but it still unsettles me slightly.
Live Date:12/29/20