Some kind of mystery noises here, have to let them go. I don’t have the time or resources to be removing every single background noise, if it doesn’t put you off your stroke let’s agree to not worry about it.
Speaking of mystery noises, well it’s no mystery, it’s a fanny fart. @20 mins.
Good to see her not bothered in the slightest by the functions of the body, you often get girls so squeamish about a fanny fart you know that escaping air is not the only thing they’re going to be a prude about.
Medusa takes this some distance in the other direction. Sometimes she sounds like she’s a having a baby, sometimes she twitches like she’s having a seizure. Obviously I wouldn’t say no but I couldn’t fully let myself get into it, I’d be on edge the whole time, worried that I might need to drive her to A&E any second.
Live Date:02/25/21