Katarina’s majestic boobs are back again. If you want to see an incredible and indelible image check out the last position from 19m40s, that could collect interest in the wank bank for many months.
But in this scene I have to apologise on the cameraman’s behalf because he doesn’t catch the unveiling of this ridiculous rack, a cardinal sin. You’ve really got to go back and film it again.
Anyway, it’s not the liveliest scene, passions are not exactly flying around set. In fact, the more I consider the energy of the scene the more the boobs stand out, there are some decent moments but they too could be filmed much better, it is possible for the camera to create energy as well as the models
The scene opens with some very nice slo-mo, and generally, you can’t go wrong with a bit of slo-mo, it worked for Kubrick, so why not the opening of a porn scene. But maybe it set the wrong mood on the day because they kind of maintain that energy level throughout. Judge for yourself.
Live Date:09/07/21