There are some red flags here for Lady Dee that this might not necessarily be her tutor that has summoned her to his office: 1, The office sign is crudely printed on a sheet of A4. 2, It says “Biology” but she just failed a maths test. 3, He doesn’t have a desktop computer, just a hastily set-up laptop. 4, He’s using a laptop but he still has a landline phone?? Come on, that’s a blatant clue Lady Dee!!! It would serve her well to be a little more cautious in life I think.
I see a lot of this in porn, people doing serious work on a laptop that doesn’t even have the power cable plugged in and I’ve always thought it doesn’t look believable, but now I’m tragically coming to terms with being old and redundant, I guess all you need to do work now is a fucking phone.
I don’t quite make out what Steve says to Lady Dee at the end of the scene, does he say “You have a “D”? If that’s her adjusted grade then he’s rather mean. (But we know he’s not REALLY her tutor anyway don’t we). But if he means “You have a “d” as in “dick” then this scene is cleverer than I thought, way too clever for me.
Live Date:11/03/20